How to Build Your Brand!
Today, I was blessed to have the opportunity to speak in a conference call for the supplement company, 1st Phorm, that I work with. Below...
Boost energy levels and fat loss, naturally!
Are you overly tired? Having issues with losing weight? Well, have you ever considered the fact that this could all be caused by your...
Phormula-1: Great For Cooking?!
You may love protein powder as a post-workout shake, but did you know that it makes a great ingredient for cooking?? I love French Toast,...
Level-1: The Best Tasting Protein Ever!
My newest addiction is Ice Cream Sandwich… and I’m not talking about the stuff the Schwann’s man used to deliver to my house when I was...
I wrote this a while back when I was competing but I figured I would share it here on my blog.. [if gte mso 9]><xml>...
I quit social media.
I quit social media. Did any of you read about this or watch this YouTube video? Essena O’Niell is an 18-year old girl that has become...
Post-Competition: What Do I Do Now?
Post-Competition: “What Do I Do Now?” When it comes to the sport of bodybuilding, I could go on forever about how difficult it truly is....
Cheat Meals Are Your Friend
Cheat meals are our friend By: Ali Schuetz, When you embark on a new fitness journey, getting up at the break of...
Sarah's Story: Battling Her Demons
Sarah recently completed one of my P2BF 8 Week Challenges. I had no idea that doing this challenge would be so much more than just a...
Tips to My 8 Week Challengers
Below are some tips from my amazing and incredible mentors, Blair and Emily. They both completed, and won, my 8 Week Challenge in the...