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Blood Types and Diets?

#Morning ✌🏼️I’ve been reading a lot about diet & blood types.. and how they may be correlated 🤔This stemmed out of the Japanese culture, where there are certain descriptions and values for each blood type. As you may or may not know, there are 4 blood types: O, A , B and AB. O is said to be the “oldest,” A represents agriculture, B = balanced, and AB is abstract.


People with the O blood type are said to be strong and aggressive, and often take on leadership roles. O is a very common blood type (since it is the oldest), and people with this blood type have a fairly good digestive system! 🙌🏻 However, they are most affected by wheat/most susceptible to wheat allergies, and don’t do well with new environments.


A blood type evolved when agriculture began, and these people are typically more caring in nature. This blood type thrives with a vegetarian diet as they don’t do too well with meat. People with A blood type generally have sensitive stomachs and a vulnerable immune.


B blood type is balanced, and these people have strong immune systems! They have adapted to tolerate dairy 🐮 very well, and also eat grains, and pretty much everything, freely. These people tolerate chaos well & adapt to change.


AB blood type is the most rare, and this is the most recently evolved blood type of them all. Generally, people with AB blood type have a sensitive digestive system, do well with a mixed diet, and adapts easily to our modern lifestyle. They also feel misunderstood quite often.


What blood type are you? 👇🏻You may want to do some research on this if you have trouble with digestion, food sensitivities, or weight loss.

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