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Do you need L-Glutamine?

What's dis? Is it for you? Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body 🤓 Your body can produce enough of this amino acid for its basic needs, but during times of stress ( 💦 intense exercise, recovering from an injury, etc), your body can benefit from taking in additional glutamine in supplement form 👍🏻 Glutamine is found in almost all high-protein food sources, but many people do not get enough protein in their diet! Low levels of glutamine can hinder muscle growth, cause digestive issues, and can put you at higher risk for getting ill. 😩 Glutamine not only helps promote lean muscle growth, but it also aids in digestion, helps remove excess ammonia from the body, and improves the immune system! 🤗 Due to the high stress that athletes who train for endurance events undergo (like marathon runners 🏃🏼‍♀️or triathletes), they may need to supplement with glutamine to keep their levels high enough so they don’t get ill after an event. It helps protect the lining of the gastrointestinal tract (the mucosa), so many people who have illnesses such as 👉🏻IBS or ulcerative colitis👈🏻 most likely don’t have enough glutamine and may need to supplement this into their diet also! I have been taking it in powder form (L-glutamine) from @1stphorm in the morning ☀️ AND right before training and love the benefits! [Order from for free shipping📫]

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