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What the heck are BCAAs?

A lot of people ask me about supplements and have no desire to really understand what they are taking. But for me, I have made it a point to educate others when it comes to supplements, because understanding the benefits and why you take what you do means you are more likely to be consistent with your supplement regimen. •

So let’s talk about BCAAs. What are they? What does it even mean? “B C A A” stands for Branch Chain Amino Acids. Amino acids are the building blocks to protein, and there are three essential amino acids that our bodies need - leucine, valine, and isoleucine - but the body cannot produce! We get them only from food & supplements.

When we eat protein, like chicken for example, our body breaks it down into amino acids which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. These amino acids are very important because they build and repair tissues.. so after a workout, BCAAs are very crucial for recovery!

BCAAs actually metabolize directly into muscle, rather than the liver, like chicken would. They can do 1 of 2 functions: either help build new proteins/muscle, or be burned as fuel to create energy! Regardless, taking BCAAs as a supplement is shown to bring improvements for athletes in terms of muscle strength, size, and recovery! This is mainly due to the fact that it keeps the body in an anabolic state, allowing the body to burn fat and not muscle!

So when do you take BCAAs? I typically suggest taking them right before (or during the beginning part of) your workout. In my opinion, there isn’t as much of a need to take them post-workout.. assuming that you are taking protein powder (I take Phormula-1) as your post-workout meal.. because BCAAs are found naturally in that product, because it's a protein source. And, taking BCAAs before your workout is great because it will provide fuel for your body so that you can power through your training session! 💪🏼

The preferred brand that I use for BCAAS is 1st Phorm! You can order BCAAs at for free shipping! I love the apple juice flavor.

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