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Reducing bloat: Probiotics!

As a C-Section baby AND a baby who took a lot of antibiotics, I am in NEED of a good probiotic. My microbiome (microbial flora) is not very... balanced. This is because I did not receive the good bacteria that my body needs, since I came out of my momma’s belly, and the many antibiotics that I have taken stripped good bacteria from my gut.

I honestly feel like this is why I have always had a sensitive stomach (I cannot handle a lot of dairy, fatty foods, spicy foods, or fiber). Gut health is EXTREMELY important because with poor gut health brings inflammation. And as many of you read in my last informative post, what is inflammation again? It is the ROOT of all diseases. So although “bacteria” sounds like a bad thing… it is actually not always the case!

There are GOOD strains of bacteria that all of our bodies need, such as: L Acidophilus, L Salivarius, L Casei, L Thermophiles, and B Bifidum. And lucky for me, probiotics contain many of these healthy strains of bacteria. I am currently using Probiotics One and really love it!

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